Talk comments

tomaz jakomin at 10:08 on 20 Feb 2020

It would be good to send the preparation instructions before the workshop.

Benjamin at 09:46 on 20 Feb 2020

A passionate overview of open source software and by extension PHP. Exactly the sort of thing you want from an opening keynote.

Very unrelated. Not very interesting. Would have liked to see something more php centric

Chris Hogben at 19:25 on 19 Feb 2020

This was a really fun and engaging workshop, which provided great insight into Event Sourcing and where and when it could be used (or not!). The hands-on tasks were in-depth, and gave life to the concepts being discussed. One piece of advice I would give for future delivery is to cover some of the key concepts in a little more detail slightly earlier in the workshop, eg Projections, and what they do in relation to the events being stored. Overall great presentational style, and provided me with some ideas for future development projects. Thanks! :)

A great introduction to Kubernetes. Ambitious syllabus given 25 attendees and the time available, which made some parts a little too quick to follow easily, however Bastian stayed on until 17:25 to show us linkerd, so everything was covered in the end.

Could benefit with setting the scene at the beginning of each section - explain what is about to be covered, what we would expect to achieve by the end of the section - this would give helpful context.

Adrian Bean at 17:12 on 19 Feb 2020

Bastian has a great manner about him and was very friendly and approachable.
I enjoyed the detail he put into the talk all the while checking the knowledge level of the audience.
I would gladly listen to another talk by him in future.

Very good also took the time to answer questions