All dev groups need your / our help. Thats what makes them great. But, we are the best, because, elePHPants!
Excellent talk, gave a great overview at a good pace.
Thourogh introduction, fun and enjoyable talk!
Good introduction to the basic concepts with real world examples to illustrate.
A well delivered talk with a good overview of various AWS feature. While I appreciate this talk was aimed at getting up and running with AWS with your existing codebase without making changes (and it was caveat-ed as such), more detail on what *would* be the better solution if you have the time would be an improvement - e.g. sessions, rather than making users stick, move session handlers to a DB - or even better, something like Redis.
Just like a keynote should be like. Entertaining and inspiring.
Inspired me to get more involved, no matter how small my contribution might be.
Important message and a great reminder of how awesome the PHP community is. Felt slightly disjointed in places, but still a great talk that provides food for thought for everyone who was there!
Some great insight into the huge efforts people go to to make our community
Nice introduction to graphql.