Meetup #42 and we're back at the capital of our wonderful West-Vlaanderen

Tuesday 17th September 2019

Intro talk
Keynote by Tom Van Herreweghe (15 minutes)

As usual, an intro talk to line out the rest of the evening, introducing the speakers & venue and look back at previous meetup.

I just became team-lead, now what
Talk by Frederik Vanbrabant (45 minutes)

Today was a good day; you just got promoted as team-lead of your development team. The details weren't all that clear, but the boss told you: "You'll figure it out on the job." You know there will be some extra responsibilities like taking the lead in job interviews, talking to potential customers, keeping the stack up to date... You don't want to let your team down, and there are a lot of eyes on you. It might be best to avoid some pitfalls. In this talk, we will take a look at how you can keep the team motivated and inspired, see if we can apply the same mindset to job interviews and dive into some do's and don't of talking to customers. You're going to do great, but a little guidance never hurt anyone.

21:15 Event Sourcing met Event Engine
Talk by Arne De Smedt (45 minutes)

Klaar voor een avondje event sourcing? Ja? Dan doe ik voor jou Event Engine uit de doeken. Een nieuwe event sourced library van Prooph. We bespreken kort even de basis van event sourcing, zodat we allemaal op dezelfde golflengte zitten. Waarna alle nieuwe features van Event Engine besproken worden. Ik geef ook mee hoe je zelf Event Engine kan gebruiken als REST API en automatisch Open API specs kan laten genereren, die je dan op zich weer kan gebruiken om je API te testen. Toe tonne e!