Now the snow is cleared and everyone is back to their daily routines, we thought it was a good time to organise our first meeting in Belgium. It will be held on March 27 at the Combell offices in Ghent and we already have awesome talks for you.


19:00 - 19:30: Welcome and drinks
19:30 - 20:30: Introduction To ElasticSearch by Jurriaan Persyn
20:30 - 20:45: Break
20:45 - 21:45: Vagrant as the foundation of your development environment by Xavier Dekeyster
21:45 - 21:50: Raffle, Announcements, Feedback
21:50 - ??:??: Networking and drinks
Introduction To ElasticSearch (by Jurriaan Persyn)

So you built a web application and want to add search to it? But, what is search, and what does it take for search to be fast, real-time and powerful? In this talk you will get an introduction to ElasticSearch and why we've found this to be a great technology for powering your (php) web application. From the set-up to indexing data to querying for results, as well as touching on subjects like high availability and scalability.

About Jurriaan

Jurriaan is leading the development team at Engagor, a social media monitoring and management application built in Gent, Belgium that has PHP and ElasticSearch at its core. Previously Jurriaan worked as lead developer at Netlog. Having worked with web technologies for over several years for these high volume sites have made him experienced in scalability and performance.

Vagrant as the foundation of your development environment (by Xavier Dekeyster)

LAMP, the basic concept of our work environment. But how do we set up this environment?
During this talk I want you to think about the disadvantages of development on your own laptop and the benefits of automation through Vagrant, Virtualbox ...

Take control of your own and colleagues working environment ... even within X years.

About Xavier

Xavier started developing in 1994. He worked his way through electronics,, c++, c# and eventually came home with PHP. With years of experience as freelance consultant, freelance guest teacher, he knows the obstacles of many web companies and/or web developers. In addition, his entrepreneurial mindset is a big plus. He is always looking for the best balance between quality, budget and modularity in this buzzword world. In his free time you can find him building on his new house, one or the other running race, or playing with one of his 3 kids.

Combell Office
Skaldenstraat 121
9042 Gent
Please register through our page. Registration is free, but required to ensure good catering and seeting.