Talk comments

You could add a bit more info about Drupal. Maybe something about Redis / memcached. But hey, time is limited and it was already a very nice presentation. Well done!

Good presentation, nice pace, interesting content and some neat anecdotes. Are the slides available somewhere? :p

Great talk, but a bit short. Maybe you could spice it up a bit with more real-life examples or anecdotes. And some coverage of the automated tools like PHP_CodeSniffer, PMD/CPD would be welcome as well.

Great talk, was a bit short, but covered all basics and gave some good pointers. Shouldn't be too hard to extend it a bit when you include some automatic tools to detect smelly code.

Good presentation, started maybe just a bit slow but picked up very fast and had lots of interaction too.

Anonymous at 08:17 on 31 May 2012

Excellent presentation skills, the best I've ever seen from Thijs. Good interaction with the "crowd" and excellent inside jokes.

The presentation at 4Developers was good, this one was even better : better timing, better targeting. Excellent !

Great hosting of the event, great turn up! Perfect!!!

Probably the best talk I've ever seen from Thijs. Great content, good interaction, perfect pace and great sense of humor! You ROCK!!!

Good presentation about identifying smelly code and the explanation why it is a bad thing in the long run. Two minors though:

1) there are tools to assist you in identifying smelly code
2) be more explicit so you can extend your talk into a full hour talk