Talk comments

Really enjoyed this talk. There was a good overview of the structure of the Drupal system, which was interesting to hear as i don't know much about Drupal yet.
Also the argumentation on when and when not to use it is really valuable and was clearly stated.

Good talk about Drupal, what it is and more important what it isn't. The part about when to not use Drupal is something every needs to know. Would have liked to see more (practical) examples which explained the power of drupal but 45 minutes is just to little.

Good talk, it would have been nice if you explained the use cases for backbone.js at the start of the presentation instead of afterwards when answering questions i think that would made it more clear for some people.

Good talk, I see the power of a solution like Backbone. Comparison to other libraries would be nice.. but hey 45 min isn't that long.
Some more experience as a speaker eliminating the "Uhm" and you've got a winner :)

Great talk! Nice overview of de structure of Drupal, some pro's and con's and good input when (not) to use Drupal for your projects.

The talk was good, but there're more solutions for bringing structure to Javascript. It would have been nice if you compared them more with other libraries and focused on the real benefits of backbone.js.