Talk comments

Outstanding talk by Joe. Many talks bring up the power of "no". Joe's message and story seem to be the opposite. Saying "yes" to everything or nearly everything brings about a lot of opportunities. It also brings about a lot of obligations and responsibilities and I'm impressed the Joe can do as much as he does. Lots of great anecdotes.

I've seen this one at other conferences before. It was excellent as always. I did like the addition of the family-oriented aspects of the talk and recognizing that there is or can be a bias against employees with family obligations and in some cases against fathers.

I need to figure out how to incorporate a lot of the ideas Chris talked about into my own life. The idea of scheduling everything, even leisure activity seems a bit weird, but I can definitely see the benefits. I need to figure out how to not get distracted by all sorts of interruptions. This was a very good talk.

I've not seen too many talks given by more than one person. In this case, Cathy seemed more comfortable and practiced, but both Kevin and Cathy provided a lot of good information. Good talk.

It's hard to remember a lot about talks I attended over a week ago surrounded by a lot of things that are more memorable than any talks, but I'll do my best :) There were a lot of good points in the talk. It seemed a bit rough, but will certainly get smoother with more deliveries and practice. The memes/gifs seemed to overpower the point in some cases. Overall, good talk.

Josh Holmes at 14:55 on 19 Jul 2016

Good talk helping people understand how to get involved in community.

Josh Holmes at 14:54 on 19 Jul 2016

Great and needed talk in the industry. Talks through 4 elements of front end design and helps explain the basics so that developers can understand the motivations and the thinking of the designers.

Steve Guns at 14:28 on 18 Jul 2016

Everyone should know the stuff that was told by Chris in this talk. Was eyeopening to have things pointed out to you that you do wrong yourself.

Steve Guns at 14:27 on 18 Jul 2016

Nice talk. Too bad about the time shortage, as the things I actually wanted to hear were pretty rushed.

Helpful and informative. Gets fundamentals covered and in your mind right away, including exercises to test what has been covered up until that point. A good refresher for some details that may slip your mind over time.