Talk comments

This was an absolute firehose, but I think the room was having a hard time keeping up with Justin. I spent most of the talk trying to think "where would this be really useful", only to have the talk end on (spoilers) "so, where is this stuff really useful? Well, not many places, to be honest."

Rather than fizzbuzz and counting, even fake user-space code might make the examples more accessible.

Technical issues not withstanding, this was a great talk full of useful information. I especially appreciated the focus on `docker compose`, as far too many people think of containers as just a variant on VMs.

Fantastic talk on both the how and why of DI. The 45min slot left the talk a bit rushed (could probably cut out the Pimple + League container slides for abbreviated talks), but still super informative.

Very informative. Great slides. Thanks for coming and hope to see you next year.

Philip Sharp at 13:05 on 27 Jul 2018

Great progression from the simplest generator through each additional feature. Would be nice if the final coroutine example could fit on one slide--it's tricky to understand.

Pat W at 11:51 on 27 Jul 2018

Came in with some conceptions of TDD but was greeted with a very straightforward and interesting view of how testing and test driven development is important. Had a great time doing coding examples and listening to Chris give us his views on testing and life. Thanks for the presentation!

Very Well Done. Thank you for coming and the talk was very informative.

Philip Sharp at 11:11 on 27 Jul 2018

Really useful information about how to get started with Docker. A good level of detail for beginners. Very succesful live coding!