Talk comments

Fantastic session. When you mentioned it'd be an introduction, I was worried, but it was great anyway. Ran long but I would have been fine if it'd gone another hour.

Saresa Smith at 16:03 on 27 Jul 2018

Nice intro to Docker, easy to follow for beginners!

This is such an important talk. Thank you for giving it.

For anyone coming here after me, the OSMI 2018 survey is here:

Good session, just not applicable to anything I'm working on right now.

MySQL 8 looks amazing, I can't wait to finally get my day job upgraded to it.

A bit dry but very informative. The negatives could have been related to the timeslot, hitting the mid-morning lull.

Great keynote, perfect tone to start the day. Don't forget wizards. Rockstars, ninjas, and wizards.

I wish I had more time to port one of my existing projects over to Symfony.

This was a great kick-off to the conference. I learned a ton.

It's always fun to see how the talk has evolved. Insightful + funny keynote with just the right amount of self-deprecating humor.