Talk comments

Jenny J at 09:22 on 28 Jul 2018

Great session. A ton of stuff I had been struggling with clicked into place after attending this session. Inadvertently, I also learned a lot about how PHPStorm handles composer and laravel installs, and it's changing how I create projects.

I also found the portion on database migrations immensely helpful, and I am going to change how my databases are set up for a side project based on the info I learned in this session.

Jake Moote at 22:41 on 27 Jul 2018

Great session. Provided some great insight on dependency injection and pointed out some cases that I wouldn't have initially thought of!

Jake Moote at 22:36 on 27 Jul 2018

Great session. Elizabeth was very engaging and kept it interesting. I agree with others that it was unfortunate that we ran out of time would have loved to hear more.

This was a nice introduction and helped me understand more about implementing GraphQL in PHP. I wish there had been more time to go deeper into implementation details.

Like Clark said, I wish there would have been more time. Unfortunate we had to skip over a bunch at the end.

This talk is THE talk I came for. I've always struggled to see what the point of Docker was. "I can run the exact same image in development and production, but if I develop, I will be changing that image, so what's the point?"

I've got a much clearer picture of it now.

If you're running into edge cases when installing certs, this is some choice info.

I was able to follow well, but I have the advantage of having dealt with much of this in Python, where generators are more of a norm. And despite that, I still learned things about generators in PHP.

What was hard to follow for me was the examples where there was a "yield 'return-val'" mixed with send() calls. It was much clearer to see what was happening with numbers being yielded instead, because it's obvious when "2" and "3" come back, that "1" was lost.

Great intro to the mechanics of a small symfony app. Ryan's excitement was contagious :)

Great overview of the options available for an early-stage startup. A bit of a firehose but really good nonetheless.