Talk comments

Very good talk. Tools I've never heard of before. Thanks Derick!

Nice talk. Good examples, learned a lot.

Der Vortrag hat an praktischen und sehr anschaulichen Beispielen erläutert, wie man unterschiedliche agile Methoden an Kunden und Vorgesetzte herantragen kann. Selbst hartgesottene, und durch die Jahrhunderte etablierte, konservative Bürokratenschlachtschiffe, können mit einfachen Mitteln von agilen Methoden überzeugt werden.

Man muss dafür allerdings den Kunden als Partner und nicht als Feind kennen lernen wollen. Aber auch für diese (nur kleine) Schwierigkeit, hat der Vortrag praktische Handlungspläne geliefert.

Ein kurzes Handbuch, wie man agile Methoden, Verhandlungsstrategien und "Win-Win-Situationen" paaren kann ... ohne das es weh tut.

A solid talk about a topic that still comes up in the PHP community even so it's 2011. Going into "create only one" and application architecture / dependency injection isn't ether for a speaker.

Ether the audience knows what you talk about and you bore them or they don't know and full blown DI is a rather hard concept. So the speaker took the middle road between both approaches and presented the common counter arguments against most of what he suggested which worked out quite well.

It was refreshing to hear a "real world" summary of technologies used and which compromises were made. I'd really appreciate to have at least a couple of such "reality check" talks at each conference. I dig the pair presentation style, too.

Sammy did an amazing job putting this together and showing at least 3 things in the process:

- PHP@froscon is a good place to have a really funny but still informative and interesting event at
- There should be loosly-PHP-releated lighting talks next year as each of the 'popstars' has proved to have some little thing to talk about that I've never heard of before even so i kinda stalk most of them. And well for @isotopps contribution i have to say it matter much what Kris talks about, it's always amazing.
- Sammy needs a full talk slot next year for $whatever_she_wants ;) It's the first time I've heard her speak and I'd like to hear more.

Interesting presentation. I knew all the used technologies and I've seen everything "coming" but i still enjoyed every single bit of it.

The slide deck was pretty, informative, consistent and telling a nice story all by its self.

The presentation was fluent, a nice back and forth with "thrown in comments" and a good dynamic. I'd suggest to get two mics if possible but I'm sure you know that too and it just wasn't for froscon :) The room was packed and you still managed to share that one mic quite nicely.

Very well presented talk about something i didn't know already which is quite nice.

With the movement to client side / js image generation I was not sure if this was anything I'd actually might use at some point it time but by showing that it is , for example. included in zetaComponents and what is the exact _mission_ of the extension i left the talk smiling.
