PHPKonf is hosted by the Istanbul PHP community (Istanbul PHP) in Istanbul, Turkey from May 21st-22nd, 2016, and you're invited! We'll host some of the best speakers, awesome talk topics, latest technologies, and up to date news in PHP.

Event Related

Saturday, 21st May 2016

PayU Track Fazıl Say Hall
09:00 09:00
09:20 09:20
10:00 10:00
11:00 11:00
12:00 12:00
13:40 13:40
14:30 14:30
15:20 15:20
16:10 16:10
17:00 17:00
17:50 17:50

Sunday, 22nd May 2016

Fazıl Say Hall PayU Track
09:20 09:20
10:00 10:00
10:10 10:10
10:30 10:30
11:00 11:00
11:50 11:50
13:30 13:30
14:30 14:30
15:30 15:30