Talk comments

Great Tutorial for teams who are investing in ZF as the base for their apps, all of the tips are very useful for beginner to intermediate developers.

Excellent presentation on the ins, outs, and pitfalls of streams, filters, and sockets. Pop quiz slides to aid retention were great. Ran a bit short, would have liked to see more examples of how streams are used in the wild.

This was very informative, some of the material was new and gave me enough information about stream, sockets, and filters where I can put some use.

This tutorial session was excellent. The content was detailed enough to give a good understanding of how, and more importantly why, to use sockets, streams and filters. The code examples were short and clean. They were easy to follow and read.

Just enough to blow my mind, but not so much that it's ruined ;)

This talk covered a lot of ground, Elizabeth was able to cover this material at a comfortable pace as a tutorial. Fun tricky corner of PHP with lots of goodies to look at. Code was good, more references to real world implementations better. Audience participation was minimal, perhaps an absence of coffee near the door + first morning issues.