Great talk! Super helpful. Love it.
Great information on depency injection. Despite being a little undynamic it shed a lot of light on the mystery that is di.
Excellent talk subject and speaker! Good to see a technical talk with code. Learned a bunch, and am planning to try out new things from this talk.
Good keynote talk to kick the day off. Entertaining talk going into her career path and made it relatable. Good examples of stretching and trying new things being rewarding.
Very cool intro, great tools. Pretty easy to get set up with. Always appreciate the "quality of life" direction these tools take.
Lots of material covered around DDD. Good to hear some opinions on architecture sprinkled in there. Kept pace going and added in some good humor. Good way to break out with 4 different focuses to define domains.
Would have liked to see a variety of examples, and dive into project structure for DDD projects. With it being a workshop, could have had a short break. Overall great workshop.
Amazing to hear your story, thank you for sharing.
Great talk. I plan to use pest now in the future.
Super helpful tutorial on dependency injection! I feel like I left with a much deeper understanding of different methods that I can implement and about dependency injection generally.
A great review of tooling and use cases to take OpenAPI well beyond the documentation use case. I will definitely be implementing the client generation tooling and testing the automatic validation tooling.