Talk comments

Chris Shennan at 08:35 on 8 Nov 2017

This was my best talk of the day. I had heard the term Content Security Policy floating around but hadn't really looked into what it was. This talk was a great crash course, straight to the point and very informative, and a talk where the speaker owns up to their own mistakes always goes down well.

Rick did great to step in last minute and cover a topic I was most interested in. Delivery was good and insightful. Sadly missed the questions as I had to step out.

Matt gives a good, confident and entertaining talk. He always brings forth anxieties for those not familiar with content security policies. Insightful to say the least :)

Very interesting talk, delivered well with some useful practices I hope to carry forward into my future development to make life easier. Thanks again :)

Entertaining talk and delivery was great and rather insightful. I'm sure Josh could have filled the entire morning with this talk if allowed.

Matt Brunt at 22:34 on 7 Nov 2017

I love Meri's speaking style. The swearing wasn't an issue for me, it felt like a conversation between friends, and that made the whole talk feel more hard hitting, it was like a friend telling you their story on how they've seen environments become inclusive places where the best work happens. This was a great way to wrap up the conference.

Matt Brunt at 22:32 on 7 Nov 2017

It was nice seeing things mentioned in the talk that reinforced some things I've put into practice. As always, there's new things to learn and I picked up a few tips and things to start bringing into our development process at work.

Adam has a great, clear and concise speaking style, and +1 for wearing the kilt!

Matt Brunt at 22:31 on 7 Nov 2017

As someone who uses Symfony components and who likes that they're able to be used outside of the framework itself, it was good to see a similar approach taken with another set of components.

At times jumping around the code felt a little hard to follow, so perhaps look at fewer components to cover and go into each one a little bit more on the benefits of integrating it.

Matt Brunt at 22:29 on 7 Nov 2017

My favourite quote from this was "testing clean code is easy, testing legacy code is hard" - all too often that gets overlooked and it was nice to see a real world example as the way to gradually move yourself out of an untested legacy nightmare!

And 422613806751446844383776889554081900123042754108583958093751102384903715343564800000 is a LONG number! ;)

Matt Brunt at 22:28 on 7 Nov 2017

Loved the humour and it made the distinctions between an Expert System, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning easy to grasp - a nice way to start the day looking at how it's evolved over time!