About the Conference
Inspired by the well-known SOLID acronym, SOLIDay conference is the first conference in Serbia and region, which is dedicated solely to object-oriented programming principles, design patterns, software architecture and best programming practices.

Some of the most prominent international PHP experts and professionals will talk about various parts and aspects of this vast programming domain, by stating facts, advices and showing practical examples. Conference is primarily intended to developers, who want to expand, improve or simply refresh their knowledge about this important aspect of the PHP programming language.

SOLIDay will be held on May 30th in a pleasant Hall 4 conference room of the Belgrade Fair (Serbia).

About the Organisers

PHP Srbija (PHP Serbia) is a voluntary, non-governmental and non-profit association which gathers PHP experts and enthusiasts, with the goal of popularization PHP programming language itself, as well as sharing knowledge and experiences among the community of PHP developers in Serbia.