Talk in Italian at SymfonyDay 2015 Short URL: (QR-Code (opens in new window))
Doctrine\Cache conoscerla per evitare l’effetto boomerang
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A good roundup of the doctrine 2 caching systems. Very well done!
Interesting!! but it was only an high level overview about Doctrine\Cache.
Interessante e dettagliato, avrei apprezzato qualche caso d'uso concreto
I would rather see a use case.
too much humor, not so much contents. ugly hand-made drawings.. seriously?
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A good roundup of the doctrine 2 caching systems. Very well done!
Interesting!! but it was only an high level overview about Doctrine\Cache.
Interessante e dettagliato, avrei apprezzato qualche caso d'uso concreto
I would rather see a use case.
too much humor, not so much contents.
ugly hand-made drawings.. seriously?