Italian SymfonyDay 2015. Goals of this event are to show best practices and high level case studies. This event is organised by PUG MoRe with the help of GrUSP.

Friday 9th October 2015

10:00 Symfony3, guida alla migrazione
Talk by Michele Orselli (30 minutes)

Symfony3, guida alla migrazione

Symfony components in a microservice architecture
Talk by daniele dangeli (30 minutes)

Symfony components in a microservice architecture

11:00 Un nuovo standard, benvenuto PSR-7
Talk by Marco Perone (30 minutes)

Un nuovo standard, benvenuto PSR-7

12:00 Paraunit: test paralleli, Doctrine e le fixture
Talk by Alessandro Lai (40 minutes)

Paraunit: test paralleli, Doctrine e le fixture

14:30 Migrare senza dolore da * a Symfony 2
Talk by Manuel Baldassarri (30 minutes)

Migrare senza dolore da * a Symfony 2

15:00 Measure your app internals with InfluxDB (time-series database)
Talk by Walter Dal Mut (30 minutes)

Measure your app internals with InfluxDB (time-series database)

Doctrine\Cache conoscerla per evitare l’effetto boomerang
Talk by Gianluca Arbezzano (30 minutes)

Doctrine\Cache conoscerla per evitare l’effetto boomerang

API Authentication With JWT
Talk by Marco Albarelli (30 minutes)

API Authentication With JWT