Talk comments

Just what I expected. The not too technical, thoughtful and entertaining talk. "Metal Hammer" my a**! It is always nice, good and very important to show a dev auditorium the project views of all the participating people. A delight.

A very nice talk. Good speed, good style. If one never heard of PSR-7 before, well now he/she knows - with the background detail. Kudos

Good (updated) talk, but I still miss the obvious and nesccessary point of orchastrating microservices.

The talk performance was very entertaining and good.

I've looked at the slides from previous (and not attended talks), I've read a lot of tweets and the documentation, but the talk finally brought the insight for using puli to me.

The talking performance was good and the split between being to obvious or too detailed was in a very good balance.

Kudos to webmozart. Very good.

Well just what one can expect from Johann-Peter Hartmann. A different view from a non-specifically dev topic, a totally suberb talking performance and just a good kick-off for the day.

Anonymous at 21:44 on 16 Oct 2015

Just awesome!!!