Talk comments

Interesting topic but too much content squeezed into little time, which meant a very hurried presentation

Great presentation, but the content was rather basic - not much outside standard documentation

Great introduction, could be even longer as the content is top quality

on Keynote

Great speaker as well as clean slides (though a bit hard to read due to the projector setup, no one at fault here). The talk provided some new concepts on how to use and configure behat for domain specific testing.

Really insightful talk about security on all fronts: Physical, software & architecture. A good talk always gives you some food for thought as well as actionable ideas - both were to be had here.

Also my harry-potter-fandom-heart really appreciated the reference to Mad Eye ;)

Another engaging keynote that really makes you want to start trying out all the good stuff in Symfony 4 / Flex. Also, as usual Fabien hits the time limit ;)

on Keynote

Thanks for the great intro into symfony/flex and a little sneak-peek into Symfony 4.

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