Nice and quick :)
Very nice
Very confident and knowledgeable speaker with a mixed technical background which helps the WP ecosystem with cross pollination I guess.
I'm not an experienced developer so some of the content went over my head but the concept sounded very interesting and I look forward to part two at WP_Hooked.
I particularly like the format of this new talk.
I used to do something similar when I run my WP user group back in 2015.
It's good to be kept up to speed with WP new features.
Todd was also very entertaining.
I used to used page builders in the past only because my clients wanted to, I would rather do without but they are part of the ecosystem so we should know what the deal is about.
I've never seen Beaver Builder in action, very informative talk.
Very thorough opening remarks, I like to be reminded what is happening in the WP sphere.
I'm a pizza lover but you can't look a gift horse in the mouth ;-)
I really liked this talk because I wanted to see how another developer use Beaver Builder, and it was very interesting