Terrible display on how much refactoring to replace simple if or loop can go wrong. Gone from easy to read if and loops to a terrible mess of obfuscated unreadable code. As code reviewer i would refuse any code submited to me that way. Closure and chaining makes debuging and reading a nightmare in no time. No way a junior could touch that code without asking what it does.
Good for beginner with Apis. Not so good for advance api users already. Teesa is a pleasant speaker. Session should really have a rank from beginner, intermediate or advance user to help us choose session for our levels to avoid attending sessions were we have not much to learn from.
Was expecting more as most mentionned was obvious for non beginners with symfony.
Best session i had so far. Great job
There is good statement but moslty buzzwords and good on paper as for modern web application. Yes to testing business logic and testing UI but not testing the whole with the web involve also is a pitfall.
Good. Would have a like a small zf3 app live demo to conclude
Title misleading, PHP oop shown was outdated and not following good pratices
No announcement, not relevent to conference
Good. A bit too much 'it will not be like that in the exam'
I really enjoyed the talk and learned a lot!