A lot of great points. Some border on Utopian, but we still need to aspire.
I was hoping this session would provided specific examples and tips for writing faster PHP code and applications.
Really more of a personal testimonial, about one guys approach to overcoming criticism while creating components that solve his personal problems.
I liked the speaker and content in a way, but I just didn't find it that practical or informative. Some of my disappointment comes from the concept of "tools", I was really expecting more of a focus on web based tools rather than libraries based on the title of the talk and my own personal assumptions.
This was one of the better sessions at Zendcon 2016. I was able to relate to all the session content and now have a greater respect for each of my co-workers, so Thank you Laura.
Good introduction to gearman
Interesting insight in available features in php and good practices
I haven’t worked with websockets before, it was interesting to see them in action with php
This session was good and included lots of great information. I wish the tutorial would have included more hands on material.
This was a good talk for beginners but failed to provide substantial reasons to support the added complexity of an OOP approach versus straight SQL. The author was also unable to field questions about more advanced, but common, SQL structures such as inner queries.
This session was well structured and gave me new perspectives on refactoring and improving the quality of my code.