Talk comments

Thanks for showing us the good stuff. And thanks for throwing in the mocking bit. Really appreciate it

A great and funny talk, explaining exactly what I felt was not correct in the world of frameworks. Thanks for sharing

Interesting talk about the SDK, I definitively saw some amazing feature I'll use in my daily work. Thank you!

Solid talk about how and why business should get involved in giving back to the technologies they build their platforms on. Some more direct examples of particular projects/sub-projects companies could contribute to might've been useful.

Very good talk on what companies and developers can do to get active in the open source community.

Excellent talk about how to get companies (and people) to give back to OSS and get involved, earn reputation and get a seat at the table. This could easily have been a regular conference talk. Very good stuff.

Seriously impressive for putting it together the night before and it being your first talk. Good stuff.

Impressive first talk. Not an easy topic to distill into a single talk but I think you did a great job getting the main points across and sparking interest among the audience. Thanks for taking the time to give this talk.

Nice overview of DDD. Good to hear about how it's being used in a real world context. Steve also has a smooth, casual speaking style that I liked. Talk ran a little short, next time maybe add coverage of aggregates that you ended up going over in Q&A. Great talk overall.

Great uncon!!
Glad you put the talk together Steve. And props to Aleksey for being the wingman :)