Talk comments

Jordan is one of my favorite speakers from ZendCon this year. Loved it!

Really awesome to see behinds the scenes of Facebook a bit. Very awesome stuff coming from these guys, and I would love to see this project become fully open source at some point. These two always put on an entertaining presentation.

Very good session - informal, with deep insights, interesting technology well-presented and straight from the guys, developing it.
One question - are all people in FB so hyper-active? :))))

Was nice to see Sara in person. Her book on PHP Extension development was of great help at the time I needed it. Especially while PHP official site has so small amount of internals docs.

Really enjoyed, and good discussion afterwards again.

Great talk. Certainly applicable for any current freelancers or those looking to transition.

Second time I've seen this and just as good as the first. Perfect for unconf as it prompted discussion that was better suited to the informal environment.

Second time I've seen this and just as good as the first. Perfect for unconf as it prompted discussion that was better suited to the informal environment.

Really interesting talk on why they wanted to build their own API framework, and a nice overview of the feature set.