Talk comments

The personal anecdotes shared by the panelists were the kicker for me, as it is refreshing to hear so many differing philosophies and their respective rationales reasoned about.

Although the exact format has yet to be refined for ZgPHP - mostly with regard to the order of speaking, I found it both entertaining and educational.

Just thought I'd share a recording of his workshop at Web Summer Camp 2016 - available at , so take a look. :)

Really enjoyable talk!

This lecture was clear and to the point about the presented topic, with some great ideas in the presentation format (hand-drawn sketches, side-by-side comparison of the 'before' and 'after'), if a bit rough in the execution (to agree with some of the other comments).

The round of questions was pleasantly conversational and Matija was well-prepared for any answers.

Steve Tauber at 19:48 on 22 Apr 2017

Fantastic presentation

Lovro at 12:17 on 22 Apr 2017

I liked how Miro ( the organizer) forward QA discussion from the previous talk to this panel.

A funny situation that 3/5 panelists were involved with Trikoder, where this meetup was held.

I couldn't recognize who the moderator was if there was any, but it didn't matter because the atmosphere was casual and communication very fluid.
Some panel members talked much more than others but everyone had something to add. The part I liked the best was Trikoder's CTO explaining why they developed their own framework and how he offered a good answer to it.

There are 2 sides of every medal and we should always have that in mind regarding this topic.

Hope that there will be more panels like this with panelists of the same caliber.

Lovro at 12:02 on 22 Apr 2017

Brilliant talk with outstanding delivery.

From the structure of this talk, you could notice how well it was designed and practiced to every detail.

The disclaimer was right on point and shows how well this talks is prepared and that he has been trough many battles with it.

At the beginning, I was trying to understand why he talks about throwing veggies at him so excessively but in about 2 min he steered from veggies to analogy with shields and PHP frameworks. Brilliant attention grabber.

In general, shield and wheel analogies were great and there were few humorous points and pretty good interaction with the audience.
At the end, there was no "Use this solution because I said so" conclusion that I really liked, instead use whatever you want conclusion is really the best for this topic.

This is one hell of talk and I'm sorry that he retired it, could listen to it anytime.


Lovro at 11:45 on 22 Apr 2017

Overall good presentation and average delivery, but if consider the context it was really good.

It's not easy to deliver your first talk on home court in front of your bosses and colleagues so good job from that point.

There were few slides with too much text. Example with running scripts was really hard to see because it was too small and frankly it could be anything that reads something and outputs it, so please provide little bit more context next time. Interaction with auditorium is important and there is some room to fill that gap. Few times it was hard to understand what speaker said so please speak up! :)

Despite that, the topic was great and very useful for mac users and I definitely learned something new.

The speaker is obviously knowledgeable on this topic which he showed in the discussion. The discussion after the presentation was the best in last few meetups.

Good job and keep up.

Panelists were regional experts and I'm happy to hear their opinion and experience on the topic.

Clearly not all panellists were sharing completely same views and they expressed what they think. There was few great questions from the audience and I really hope this panel discussion thing will repeat on next ZgPHP meetups.

As always, the answer on question "Should I use framework?" is "it depends".

I've learned a new phrase: "It's not free as in free beer, but it's free as in free puppy" :D

Even though the title was a clickbait (attendbait?) I wasn't disappointed!

Topic is relevant to every developer, not only PHP and it was great intro for the panel discussion.

I loved the way Bruno dived into the topic describing the shield and features he expects from his shield. Example with a wheel is also a great way to understand what Bruno was trying to say.

Even though this topic is a little bit more advanced and not every developer would understand it, it's awesome how nobody in the audience was against the idea of 'no framework framework'!