ZgPHP Meetup #93

Thursday 16th May 2019

Vilim Stubičan: Let's talk about cache, baby!
Talk by Vilim Stubičan (30 minutes)

Lets talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be! ;) This talk will cover one of the most difficult software problems as we go on a journey of personal findings about cache mechanisms, tools, great practices and bad ones, and lots of examples where things can and definitely will go wrong. So, let's talk about it ?

Ivan Habunek: Sans-JS driven development
Talk by Ivan Habunek (30 minutes)

Today's HTML and CSS have come a long way and offer many oportunities for creating slim pages without tacking on a boatload of Javascript just to create a dropdown menu or a modal. This talk will demo a couple of lesser known HTML elements and techniques for creating common interactive components. Hopefully, next time you'll think twice before running `npm install universe` and consider whether your problem is solvable **Sans JS**.