phpday 2023
Join us for the 20th edition of phpday! On May 18-19 2023 you can attend the in-person event in Verona (Italy) or online. Organized by GrUSP (the Italian PHP user group), phpday is one of the first…
Join us for the 20th edition of phpday! On May 18-19 2023 you can attend the in-person event in Verona (Italy) or online. Organized by GrUSP (the Italian PHP user group), phpday is one of the first…
Il laravelday è la prima conferenza tutta italiana, nata dalla community per la community, che porta case study reali e best practice raccontati da persone appassionate e professioniste che usano Lara…
A 3-day conference to help PHP developers level up their craft and connect with the larger PHP community, in Austin, TX.…
The biggest PHP event organized by the French PHP user group, organized in brand new headquarters : let's go to Disneyland Paris, at the Hotel New York - The Art of Marvel ! During two days, on Octobe…
Największa konferencja PHP w Polsce…
A 3-day conference to help PHP developers level up their craft and connect with the larger PHP community, in Austin, TX.…
laravelday, la conferenza italiana dedicata a Laravel quest'anno si trasforma in @localhost! Laravel è uno dei framework PHP più apprezzati sul mercato, intorno al quale è cresciuta una community ed …
The 3rd edition of our multi-destinations conference, organized by our local PHP users groups and led by AFUP, the French PHP users group This year, the event is held online, and welcome 2 tracks on …
THIS EVENT IS NOW HELD ONLINE, PLEASE CHECK "AFUP DAY 2021 TOULOUSE / TOURS - ONLINE EDITION" FOR MORE INFO. The 3rd edition of our multi-destinations conference, organized by our local PHP users gro…
The 3rd edition of our multi-destinations conference, organized by our local PHP users groups and led by AFUP, the French PHP users group. This year, the event is held online, and welcome 2 tracks on…