PHP Quebec - November 2019
Monthly meetup of the PHP Quebec user group. This event will be held in French.…
Monthly meetup of the PHP Quebec user group. This event will be held in French.…
Our March Meetup will be hosted by Flexmail ( We are thankful they'll open their doors for us. They will provide food & drinks so everyone can come straight after work! == SCHE…
The 11th PHP-WVL meetup will be held at the offices of Roularta where King Foo is sponsoring the beverages. We welcome everyone to attend, just RSVP through our meetup page:…
This month we have Derick Rethans the author of Xdebug, PHP internals contributor, OpenStreetMap and mapping enthusiast. and PHP Engineer/Evangelist on MongoDB. Text wrangling and word smithing. Thi…
Schedule: 09:30 - Registration 10:00 - Open Keynote - phplx team 10:30 - Xdebug Jump Start - Jorge Sá Pereira 11:10 - Break 11:30 - Rest WebServices - The Right way - Luís Santos 12:10 - Break 12:20 -…