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Barry Brannan at 17:09 on 5 Feb 2016

Needed more insight.

As someone who had no experience with this topic I feel like I did come out with an understanding of what RUM is. Highlights for me were going over W3C API and going over possible tools. I think it would have been better to have less time spent on formal definition and more time spent on the practicality of how it can be used. Also, might have been better to start with a brief definition of what RUM is and why it is important rather than backing into it, and give the audience a hint at the beginning as to how the rest of the presentation is going to proceed.

I enjoyed the overview

Anonymous at 20:32 on 6 Feb 2016

Excellent presentation, very thorough with examples in various services and systems, very useful references that will come in handy. Thanks!

Great talk. Opened my eyes to a side of monitoring I didn't realize was available.

Dana Luther at 22:38 on 6 Feb 2016

This talk was a great introduction to RUM and how and why it is useful. There were a few glitches, but I think they were handled very gracefully.

It could have been a nice addition to see some more concrete examples of how the monitoring was actually implemented and impact / measure of any additional overhead putting the various levels of monitoring in place would have on site performance.

I felt like I walked away with a greater understanding of APDEX and a starting point for where to gain greater understanding.

Really appreciate the in-depth description of APDEX.

Second time I heard statsd mentioned that day. Definitely a tool worthy of more research.