Migrating Legacy PHP Applications to Laravel

Slides: https://www.ixpmanager.org/presentations


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Matt Stauffer at 12:11 on 12 Jun 2018

We've done a similar upgrade -- once from ZF1 and once from CodeIgniter -- and it took a lot of hard work to make this up as we went. This talk would've been hugely helpful. Great and well-presented talk!

Very very insightful. Some interesting stuff

Povilas Korop at 12:47 on 12 Jun 2018

I love the talks that involve real-life stories, especially with real pain like legacy migrations, learned a ton. Add Irish humour/accent to that, and you have a perfect conference speaker!

Barry O’Donovan (Speaker) at 15:21 on 12 Jun 2018

Thanks all for the positive feedback.

Slides now available at: https://www.ixpmanager.org/presentations

Joe Dixon at 19:18 on 12 Jun 2018

Great talk from Barry. The content was really interesting and was delivered in a way that was easy to follow. Gave me some great ideas for some future projects.

Not an approach I'd considered before. Really interesting, good speed walk through the process with some really helpful ideas. Thank you.

S Nathan at 11:34 on 13 Jun 2018

This was very insightful as my company uses zend framework a lot and i will sure consider everything that was spoken about ! thanks Barry!

Oliver Sarfas at 11:49 on 13 Jun 2018

Wish I had this talk presented to me about 6 months ago, before a migration project. Would have made the process 10x easier!


Peter Fox at 01:29 on 17 Jun 2018

This was my favourite talk of the day. It was reassuring to hear a story of a successful migration from one framework to Laravel. I've had to look at migrations of legacy code before and while I would have approached it in a similar way there were questions of how authentication or sessions might work so hearing your example gives me a solid basis should I need have to again.