Vagrant for Virtualized Development


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Very Great talk , Adam is a great speaker and I learned a lot !
The talk flow is very fluent and easy to follow ... All I miss is the vagrant windows stuff :)

Good Materials - waiting for the slides...

Interesting talk about how to get started with vagrant. Is useful because our Dev environments rarely mirror production. With vagrant he shows how to create a VM that looks exactly like production automatically.

Great introduction to Vagrant.

Great talk, very useful for a novice about vagrant like me.

Great talk, very useful for a novice about vagrant like me.

"Virtualization for Developers using Zend Server" would have had a better impact if this session were before it.
Overall a really nice immersive overview of automating development.

Nice talk, properly marked as "BEG" in the docs - so I got exactly what was expecting. Live and interesting speaker was an additional benefit.

Thanks for PuPHPet!

P.S. I wonder, how people are able to do so much stuff altogether in their lives - marathons, judo and professional programming... 48h day?