Have you ever encountered a codebase that's ogreish and has so many layers of complexity that it makes you cry? It might actually be an onion! In this humorous talk we'll investigate the structure of large monolithic applications and how we can peel back layers to reveal greater understanding. Using the principles of hexagonal architecture and the science of onion growth, we can make monoliths great again.


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Maico Orazio at 12:55 on 16 May 2024

this is the approach we are working with in the company

The talk is great, maybe a bit more rhythm could make the final step 🙂

The second part of the talk is filled with very good suggestions and do/don'ts about coding, but the very peculiar thing is that she really run with the cooking & onion metaphor, and it really works!

Daniel Leech at 13:13 on 16 May 2024

Packed full of great advice on good architecture, and fun, great talk!

It was enlightening; I couldn’t have explained the concepts you expressed any better. It was a pleasure to hear your POV and to compare coding and cooking. Boom, amazing.

Mario tilli at 16:01 on 16 May 2024

love this approach

Lorenzo Sequi at 18:04 on 16 May 2024

Nice point of view and very good way to introduce such big arguments as SOLID principles, DDD and so on, great talk!

Noemi Mancini at 09:01 on 17 May 2024

A great talk. I liked the metaphor, but I would have preferred a little more synthesis and some more advices on how to tackle legacy codebase.

Great talk, but if you close id with another Shrek reference like for example:

"Please keep off of the grass
Shine your shoes, wipe your... comments!"

It would be spectacular!
Joking aside, very good explanations, thank you!

The talk was awesome. The metaphor worked. However I would have preferred more "do & don't" and code examples that deep diving into the comparaison with onions. However it was one of my favorite talk during the conference, thanks a lot!

The talk was truly inspiring, and the metaphor with cooking was a delightful touch. However, for future presentations, I recommend emphasizing the ‘why’ behind these principles, especially when discussing the importance of building a scalable codebase