Talk in English - US at php[tek] 2023
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PHPUgly Hall
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Have you ever deployed code only to have it causes errors and unexpected results? By using static code analysis we can reduce, if not completely remove this risk. In this session, wl discuss the basics of static code analysis, some free and inexpensive tools we can use, and how we can run the tools successfully.
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Awesome talk. i learned new stuff I did not know about rector and phpstan. thank you
Slides and other resources can be found at
A wonderful review of a few static code analysis tools and where the most effective place to run them in your software development lifecycle. Definitely looking forward to trying rector.
Great speaker and delivery. Really helpful information and resources.
Loved this talk! I learned that it's not too difficult to set these tools up, and they automate a lot of tedious work!
Very good talk and aside from the tools presented it was nice to see a way to use them and integrate them into our workflows.
Really liked the talk and the examples, excited to review the slides slowly and carefully to help transform our development process.