Talk in English - UK at ScotlandPHP 2016
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The Secret Life of APIs
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That wasn't so good talk, speaker should seriously review approach for software developing, there are serious issues in presented code dealing with logging.
Good talk. Although a bit more confidence needed in delivery. Described a practical real world approach.
Good talk, real world examples and a pragmatic aproach
This talk had good and interesting content, and the fundamental theory behind the topic was solid. However the code samples shown had some issues, for example the die() statement in the logging function.
I got the impression that this was the speakers first time giving a talk, as Andy seemed nervous and at points seemed to struggle to get his words out. If this was Andy's first time he did very well though!
The talk had some really good content as well as some fascinating use cases.
Andy definitely showed he has the knowledge for these things but at the same time it was fairly obvious that the nerves were affecting him on the day.
At times it felt rushed due to the start being a bit too anecdotal and almost coming across as a sales pitch for the company Andy works for.
The content in the middle was great, and if more of a focus was placed on that for the future this talk can still go a long way to helping many people solve their API issues :)
Interesting case study and good delivery despite obvious nerves
Interesting talk covering some good points. Delivery could be improved but that's no big deal.
I think Andy has the knowledge and hard-won experience to do this talk, but nerves got in the way. Respect to him for doing it anyway. Some of the questions weren't fully addressed (e.g. why not use oAuth? Or, how are feature flags handled between client app versions?) Perhaps try to cover less content, in more detail. The talk outline lists a series of big topics, and it felt as if we didn't get into the nitty gritty of any of them. Versioning, or API architecture, or authentication, could all be interesting, and practical, talks in their own right.
Delivery wasn't great, possibly hindered by microphone. I'm not sure if the mic wasn't working or whether the speaker was too far from it. Either way it has hard to hear from the back. Next time maybe quick mic check and then stay close to it.
Perhaps, as others have commented, focus on a few areas rather than trying to approach all areas of API development.
I'm not sure I agree with some of the the development methododies suggested. Speaker seemed to be nerveous, and therefore speaking to fast, which also made him difficult to follow in the back of the room. But I'm sure that will improve with experience.
There was some really good content in the middle of this talk, but you took a long time getting there.
It was an interesting talk and it seems you have a lot of practical knowledge. However, the talk probably had too much content which made it feel a little rushed, and the structure/flow could have been a little bit better. I understand the nerves, and with a little bit more practice this could be a good talk!