You've been given the task of refactoring that legacy app, so what are you going to do to make sure you're leaving something better? How are you going to tackle something made over the years with features built and understood by those who’ve left and live in infamy? In this talk we'll look at different techniques you can take to overhaul legacy applications. We'll work from the ground up with planning, production, and aftercare: focusing on 3 different approaches with Laravel you can take depending on your time, budget, and needs so you'll end up with a legacy to be proud of.


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Ken Guest at 12:26 on 4 Nov 2017

Good talk, bit too quick in advancing from slide to slide though!

Sandor C at 21:18 on 5 Nov 2017

I enjoyed this talk as it showed lots of experience fusing legacy applications with a framework. However, I would strongly advise against this. You can easily separate the two using webserver configuration, no need for the shared document root.

Jason Collins at 09:13 on 6 Nov 2017

Good talk, it was interesting to see Craig's different approaches for his legacy projects. Would love to see more about this, some of the parts were a little rushed but didn't take away from it.

Always good to hear about different approaches at working with old code.

I'd suggest taking more time when stepping through the examples to explain each step though.

Jaap Migchels at 10:59 on 6 Nov 2017

Good talk, interesting approaches on how to deal with legacy material.

Could have done with a bit less code and more explanatory slides.

thiago marini at 12:55 on 6 Nov 2017

I'm afraid I thought the talk was quite a shallow, It gave the impression a PHP app can only exist in a monolith or follow only one architectural style. Nowadays we have a lot of options like serverless, microservices, hexagonal architecture etc... And it also gave me the impression you were a bit defensive. But you have the talent for speaking, keep going, you're good!

Denis Brumann at 16:58 on 7 Nov 2017

Enjoyable talk and likeable speaker.

I think the initial section on introducing standalone components in a legacy code base was good, but switching from slides to editor was taking me out a bit. I think moving this into the slide would work better for me, especially as the code snippets were rather small. Maybe using a short gif/video works better than manually switching branches and quickly clicking through code. I'm not fully convinced that retrofitting Eloquent to a legacy project is the best idea/example, but as I have never done it I can't fairly judge that.

I liked the concept of hybrid applications for refactoring and I think the talk should focus more on that as it seemed to be the part that most people asked about. I left with some questions on specifics such as sharing session data, how to move (legacy) code into the new project. I think explaining this approach in more detail, maybe with examples taken from existing projects, could be a full talk in itself I would be interested in seeing.

The final part seemed a bit tacked on to me, especially since Craig seemed to discourage from it as well and there was pretty much no detail or code samples for it. I would like that time to go into one of the first 2 sections of the talk.

Matt Brunt at 22:31 on 7 Nov 2017

As someone who uses Symfony components and who likes that they're able to be used outside of the framework itself, it was good to see a similar approach taken with another set of components.

At times jumping around the code felt a little hard to follow, so perhaps look at fewer components to cover and go into each one a little bit more on the benefits of integrating it.

Raphael Stolt at 14:38 on 8 Nov 2017

Did miss the large legacy applications part as most of the examples were very small. Talk should be developed towards a ports and adapter / hexagonal architecture approach where Laravel only becomes the glue framework.