Scaling Applications with RabbitMQ


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Excellent rabbitmq presentation.

Really good presentation. As a suggestion, code and graphs should be bigger so everyone can see it.

@Raul thanks for the suggestion. I need to see how deal with different resolutions for the projectors.

Great presentation Alvaro, the examples on the simulator were ilustratives.

Alvaro you are clearly an expert on RabbitMQ and you did a good job explaining how Rabbit handles it's business. My only wish would be to have a version of this talk aimed at folks like me who want to start using queues but don't have a lot of experience. It seems that there are an overwhelming amount of options and possibilities. I think the strongest part for me was when you gave examples of how you use queues when uploading a picture. More of this type of thing would be awesome.

Well-done presentation, though you probably want to shift the comparison with other queue software up to the beginning of the presentation rather than at the Q&A.

Thanks for the comment Ian. I sincerely prefer to not do MQ comparisons :) therefore I only answer that if people ask.

Awesome talk. Informative and entertaining. Great demonstrations in the RabbitMQ simulator. Walked away with a better understanding of RabbitMQ and the way it can be implemented in PHP. Perhaps on top of demonstrating how the PHP code executes as the Producer/Consumer, you could also make mention of an example hardware setup. "This Ubuntu machine will act as the broker" etc etc. I understand you could ultimately set it up however you like and combine services to one "physical" server, but I imagine there might also be a more ideal way of setting it up.

Thanks again for the talk and great job.

Great walkthrough of the tool and various options of how to use it, which looks fantastic. Showing the animations of how the messages are routed was very interesting. We'll have to look into this in the future.

This was an excellent talk, while walking through the slides, I've got new ideas to implement in one of my projects.
The simulator was a great visual tool to keep me engaged during the talk.