An all-too-common approach for database error handling is to log the exception, return a 500 response, and move on to the next request. MongoDB and its PHP driver have an array of features that can greatly improve an application's resiliency in the face of unexpected errors. This talk will examine how the driver monitors connections to a cluster and look at how we can tune its behavior to meet an application's unique needs. We'll also demonstrate how PHP applications can take advantage of newer features such as retryable writes and multi-document transactions to guarantee ACID data integrity without having to fall back to PDO and an SQL database.


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Johan Vervloet at 21:03 on 6 Dec 2018

I am not enough into MongoDB and database drivers to understand all that was said in this talk. But you certainly highlighted some interesting problems and use cases.


Jeremy gone wild ;) I basically got information overload on that presentation. I would maybe think about split that presentation to some smaller things (divide and conquer yunno) or even do workshop from it (6 or 8 hours)