Buycraft is a multi-tenanted gCommerce platform for Minecraft. Having supported over 500,000 servers around the world, it needs to support a whole range of languages. Centralised i18n sucks - users can't customise it, if the application doesn't have a language file then you can't use that language, and users cannot add their own strings to translate. This is exactly how Buycraft worked - what's a dev to do? Join Liam to find out how Buycraft investigated, hacked and 'borrowed' code to solve this problem to provide a fully flexible, i18n layer for all their customers.
Level: Intermediate


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Absolutely fantastic talk. Good content, great story and well presented. Winning!

You speak with great enthusiasm, and you have huge success to back you up :-) Great talk!

Chris Sherry at 19:06 on 17 Feb 2018

Talk of the conference for me. This is likely due to the fact that I am about to start tackling very similar problems at work next week! I had several glass-breaking moments around pluralisation and placeholders. I also learnt exactly how to solve these problems.

I also loved that Liam gave a lot of context as to why this is important for his business. It sounds like BuyCraft really understand this customers well. The focus around your requirements and the callbacks to those throughout the talk was very good.

The only critique I can think of (and I'm clutching at straws here) is that some of the humour fell a little on the dad-joke side - the winning/not-winning thing became a little tedious. Perhaps you could mix up the slide to have different types or winning and not winning instead of just Charlie sheen?

Also the XKCDs/some screenshots were tiny (thankfully not key to the takeaways) and I did well to sit at the front, please read those out next time.

Matt Dawkins at 10:04 on 19 Feb 2018

Great stuff Liam, thank you. I think a lot of people would love an off-the-shelf packaged up version of what you've done, just to make their own lives simpler, but I think what's more important is the journey you went on to get to the end result, which you demonstrated with honesty and humanity, which is always appreciated - I feel much better about my own developer skills knowing that there are experts out there who as just as fallible as me!