Talk in English - UK at jsDay 2013
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Interesting talk, but misnamed. Should have been titled Introduction to Pusher.
If you're speaking about your company, please add it in the title.
Still not understand about what you were talking about... Was it your services or an opensource product?
A bit Pusher centric but had also intresting insights.
Actually a very interesting problem. It was centric to work done at Pusher but I don't see why that's bad for the talk.
Mix of product and technology
interesting topics. I don't care if it's about a product or not. We all learn what we know by working somewhere...
Interesting but hard to follow to me, please spice up the talk a little bit!
Please, next time state the fact that you are describing your product in the talk title.
That said, the json based DSL was really cute!
Talk seem interesting but was hard to follow both the slides and the story overall.
Misnomer - big part of the talk was about specific product.
Nonetheless, good talk.