Building a REST API w/ ZF2


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Excellent. I don't know why more people weren't at this session. Definitely worthy of being in the main conference lineup. Was interesting to find out that CC is a java shop, but the ZF2 approach was put together really well.

There was a problem with the naming EventManager typehint which was named $events that needed a proper naming. Other than that good introduction and great communicator. The introduction was too long, I wished I had seen more code and explanation in terms of how the api tools work and how decisions were taken.

Great energy, funny jokes and most importantly great information.

A great intro in building REST APIs.

The talk did not completely focus on using ZF2 to build, so it is a very helpful talk for anyone needing help starting with REST APIs.

Thanks for your insight into using REST w ZF2. This will save me some time. Also , I agree w Chad that this was worthy of greater attention.