What to Expect from PHP 7


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Especially the tip about Phan

David Yell at 12:00 on 28 May 2016

Great talk which covered lots. Delivered a little too quickly for me, I'm not sure I'll remember everything! Great that the slides are already available online though.

Justin Yost at 12:05 on 28 May 2016

Good talk covering the upgrade process and core changes from PHP 5 -> PHP 7.

Interesting talk on the new features of PHP 7. Thanks for the part about static analysis tools: nice topic to keep an eye on in the future.

Wouter van Os at 21:29 on 28 May 2016

Very good presentation! Found out some really nifty new features in PHP 7.

Excellent talk! I'm pretty sure everyone in the room had some knowledge of what PHP 7 is bringing to the table. This talk, however, filled the gaps.