Talk in English - US at Dutch PHP Conference 2014
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HTML5/JavaScript Communication APIs
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Very disappointing speach. It was more about security issues as actual html5/messaging.
The German version of SlideShare does not play nice with the English one. So here's the English link:
Please share the code (on GitHub?)
I don't see how client side messaging can be not security related. It is the cornerstone issue for non-native clients (at least at this point of time). So, I believe this talk is a nice overview of different alternatives available.
a lot of talking, but not much info. Could be compressed into a 15 min. talk
It was nice to hear about the different methods of cross-domain communication, but in the end it felt like something we could've googled ourselves.
To improve, perhaps try an AMAZING(tm) demo... or delve into less subjects but make the few things you do talk about more advanced.
Interesting stuff. Got some good pointers. Would have liked a bit more information on pitfalls, as well as some extra information on the PHP side of things.
Interesting and learning. The presentation itself was realy good to follow.
A bit basic but not bad. He spoke well and clear, the demos where nice but again, a bit basic. Maybe try to improve your demo's a bit?
Can you share the sources too? Please
enjoyed this one!