Jenkins for PHP projects


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Sascha Schuh at 22:13 on 24 Mar 2016

Quite good talk including some nice Jenkins plugins

Marat at 09:35 on 25 Mar 2016

Very interesting information about jenkins, quite useful in the practice

This talk has some room for improvement. The images were sometimes to small and it was enough space left on the screen.
Also it would be nice to ease the slides in some way. Currently it's a journey from one configuration screen to another.
Maybe this helps a bit.


David Manners at 15:58 on 29 Mar 2016

As always very interesting listening to Stephan talk about anything really. The topic was a very good insight into how bit expert work with Jenkins. It was nice to hear the positive and negative side of the approach rather than simply stating that everything is perfect in the world of Jenkins. Read-ability of some slide could be improved but an overall very good talk.

Very interesting talk. The images were a little too small. And i would like a small addition. As there is a lot of people that until today never used jenkins, a small intro -description to jenkins can be also added, i think.

Claudio at 18:23 on 29 Mar 2016

For people knowing Jenkins, this was a list of Plugins for the builds. A talk for devs who know Jenkins, builds and deployment but when the majority doesn't know much of this topic, it wouldn't fit, but it should be considered as a talk of a Jenkins user to other Jenkins users.

If you usually use Ant in Jenkins, this talk can show some alternative approaches for projects, not only because of Phing.

On a side note: I wonder if anybody use the default blue balls of a build status. The best Plugin must be Green Balls. :-)

As usual a solid performance by Stephan !

I feel like the slides featured too many images though and too little nitty gritty detail. Although some other aspects would have been nice - e.g. the setup and deployment process (local installation, running on a vm or docker ...), the necessary infrastructure (how many agents are needed what are their specs ?).

Also, the thread running through the whole presentation could be highlighted more - instead of jumping from setting to setting screenshot.