Everyone tells you that you need to test. You know the theory, but you don't know where to begin. What to test? What cases to write? Through realistic and pragmatic examples, this presentation will take you away from var_dump and ease you into the testing business until you're ready to do TDD. All this without losing sight of the tight deadlines.


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This talk was very good! Just in time, very clear.

Joshua Sampia at 20:48 on 4 Feb 2017

This talk was very well done. The ending was short but it was the end of the conference so no fault there. Everyone was a little tired, otherwise some good information, particularly when it comes to deciding what to test.

Great talk, well-organized and accessible. I've been doing tests for some time, and I still got a lot out of this and at the same time it was obviously accessible to beginners too.

Lawrence Shea at 13:15 on 7 Feb 2017

Very well done

As I move along the path towards finally attempting testing, I found this talk particularly inspiring and helpful. I feel much better now about how and where to start.