Composer for busy developers


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Nice slides, well presented, useful information also for everyday composer user.

Great talk

Long intro about the basics, But clear and learned some new commands!

interesting, some new things learned. also some stuff what we might have done wrong already

Very nice and interesting talk, will definitely start using it!

I really enjoyed the talk. Raphael took the audience on a trip through history and in the progress, lead us to the great composer tool. If you've never used composer, you now know everything you need to get started. If you are using composer, you must've learned something new that makes composer more awesome for you.
Some feedback though: don't make too many jokes that bring you down, because you don't deserve that.

Probably my favorite talk of the conference. I found it very engaging and inspiring. Raphael moved beyond just giving a pitch and introduction to Composer, interacted with the crowd and encouraged them to be more involved with open source projects.

Great talk. Learned some new stuff about composer as expected :-)

Had high expectations up front and Raphael delivered.

Spot on for somebody that didn't know about composer and always went through a lot of trouble to avoid pear.
Definitely gonna use composer now.

As i mentioned to you after the conf: it was an excellent talk. Well rounded with humor, in depth explanations and your own take and experience shined.

As with your previous Amsterdam PHP meetup talk on 'Your code sucks' you're an inspiration to preach to the 'own coworkers' :)