Behat is widely used as part of a Behaviour Driven Development lifecycle, but it's also widely misused. In this talk Ciaran will explain the BDD process, and show the best practices for using Behat including: writing good scenarios, driving service development from scenarios, fast UI testing, and using Behat and the Symfony2Extension.


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Mota Patrick at 11:13 on 6 Dec 2018

Very good and clear thank you

Yannick at 15:08 on 6 Dec 2018

Pretty nice overview of BDD. Good balance of why vs how and a clean way of presenting.

Miro Svrtan at 17:50 on 6 Dec 2018

I'we seen Ciaran speak on multiple occasions doing a variation of this talk so I was waiting for the Symfony details: thank you for some of the tips and tricks there.

If you have more, I would like to see a full talk on just Behat/Symfony integration

Johan Vervloet at 20:50 on 6 Dec 2018

Ok now I want to try converting some of our tests to behat. :-)

Rae Knowler at 11:59 on 7 Dec 2018

A clear intro to BDD and some useful advice on using Behat specifically with Symfony.

Great introduction to BDD.

We needs more such talks in the community IMO cause I see many projects were bad requirements gathering, and messed collaboration between "business" and software developers caused big harm. All techniques that can make this is situation better (like User Story Mapping, Impact Mapping or Event Storming) should be presented on the conferences and workshops, and Ciaran made great work speak about that stuff!

Romain Gautier at 22:20 on 9 Dec 2018

Great talk. I would love to hear more tips and tricks/optimisations with Symfony

Hello. Where I can get the slides?

Simple, clear, good examples and good pivot to symfony.