It’s easy to spend your entire day, heads down, coding projects without thinking twice about other developers around you. We often get too absorbed with completing our immediate deadlines to spend any time considering the future of our projects, the future of our teams. By not mentoring new developers we are failing our future. We are failing at providing new developers with the industry experience they need to be a one-day successful candidate for our teams. Let’s talk about ways we can contribute to mentoring new developers in our teams and in our communities.


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Good talk. Your personal stories showed your passion for helping others and inspires me to mentor more. You also offered good resources for getting started mentoring. The only thing I somewhat disagreed with is that managers should not be mentors (outside of career path advice). I am a manager and have found some of my most satisfying mentor relationships to be with my junior devs. Loved your use of! Also liked your "stand up" poll that had real potential of connecting mentor/mentees.

Thanks for the presentation the slides were really good.

Brian Fenton at 14:57 on 10 Mar 2018

Quite good, lots of value in mentoring relationships on both sides. Gave a bunch of resources and ideas

Riley Major at 14:59 on 10 Mar 2018

Engaging personal stories. Ample actionable advice from multiple perspectives. Nice addition of interactivity. Way to put people on the spot with stand up mentor/mentee matching.

It was a good talk with good insights

Adia Alderson at 15:03 on 10 Mar 2018

Well done presentation. Loved the use of and great actionable items