Asynchrounous PHP and real-time messaging


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Anonymous at 12:07 on 29 Oct 2014

Nice introduction to reactphp.

Anonymous at 12:09 on 29 Oct 2014

Awesome talk. Good to know that there is an alternative to nodejs.
the game at the end was great.
can't wait test this new info out.

Best talk at ZendCon so far.
Great demos. Great info. Very interesting stuff.
Clean professional slides. Well delivered.

Awesome presentation - async in php is a hard topic but Steve explained it pretty well!

Demo time was awesome.


Great talk. Nice to see how to do things in PHP that's otherwise done in other technologies.

This talk was awesome! The demo of the "MMO" was an excellent way to demonstrate how powerful the library is. Seeing it in action on our own computers really drove the point home. Presentation was clean, thorough, and had important performance comparisons.

I also enjoyed the jabs at node, hehe.

This was a really well put together uncon session. It was such an interesting topic, and I took away enough from the presentation to want me to start working with this. I think about some of my apps, and I start seeing practical application of this popping up all over the place. GREAT session, thanks for having it!