Impostor syndrome and individual competence


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Well done. Good 'story' which made listeners aware of how they might improve approaching/talking to others.
Clear slides, love the humor on stage.

Anonymous at 13:53 on 26 Aug 2015

Anonymous at 14:56 on 26 Aug 2015

Very nice talk. Liked the speaker. Liked the topic.

Incredible talk. I could really find myself in a lot you said. Will definitely recommend the video to others.

I liked your calm and nice way of talking, very clear and a nicely chosen topic for the conference.. I think a lot of people are struggling with this without really knowing it.. Thanks!!

Andrew Westrope at 15:32 on 26 Aug 2015

I now see Mindfulness everywhere! This talk was on an Important subject and was well delivered

Anonymous at 15:59 on 26 Aug 2015

Anonymous at 18:53 on 26 Aug 2015

very well presented. entertaining and informative. i could totally relate to the topic. however i missed some real solutions. i've heard "sorry, thats no help" too many times. also the talk was too short and in line with too many high level talks in general...

Great talk, really enjoyed it.

Really great talk! I learned a lot, even about myself

I wish a could have see that talk a few years ago. Very nice!

Really enjoyed this talk, the presentation was top notch, very entertaining. It's a difficult subject, broken down nicely. The balance between theory and practise was very well found.

Thank you for this. An eye opener in many ways (about me and about others as well:). Usually non-tech talks in dev conf are a little bit off-putting, but this was just awesome. Well presented, funny, gentle, kind and positive.

Good talk - very well delivered.

Great talk wich can help a lot of people.

Michael Csáki at 23:41 on 31 Aug 2015

terrific talk i learned a ton about myself, the impostor who just might not. actually be one... hopefully :)